The Antares Alien
Power BI | DAX
Blarg! Here, I write about Power BI stuff in a fun and unique way. I also occasionally write about video game development. Thanks for checking out my blog!
How to Create a Drill-Through page in Power BI
What are the Most Common Ju-Jutsu Injuries? Power BI Viz
Power BI Design Challenge: Apple's "My Health" App
Easily Make Your Own Custom Visuals With Charticulator!
Power BI: What Do Successful Kickstarter Projects Have in Common?
63% of Tweets About Airlines are Negative. A Power BI Analysis.
Improve Your Data Visuals: Stock Prices and Midterm Elections
Building a KPI Dashboard for a Recruiting Company!
Analyzing the "All Time Best" Video Games with Power BI
MicroStrategy vs Power BI (Report builder tools for desktop)
Best Book to Learn Data Visualization
5 Important Steps to Tell a Story with your Data
Power BI: Building a Recipe Dashboard
Dashboard Design Tips: Learning from the Google Trends Dashboard