The Antares Alien
Power BI | DAX
Blarg! Here, I write about Power BI stuff in a fun and unique way. I also occasionally write about video game development. Thanks for checking out my blog!
How to Remove the Header Info on Power BI Widgets
Easily Make Your Own Custom Visuals With Charticulator!
What Kind of Video Game does the World Like to Buy?
Does the 80/20 Rule Appear in Car Sales? A Power BI Analysis
Improve Your Data Visuals: Stock Prices and Midterm Elections
MicroStrategy vs Power BI (Report builder tools for desktop)
Analyze Your Business's Facebook Page with Power BI
Best Book to Learn Data Visualization
5 Important Steps to Tell a Story with your Data
Power BI: Visual of the Week - WordCloud
Dashboard Design Tips: Learning from the Google Trends Dashboard
Power BI: Building a Digital Nomad Dashboard
Power BI: Visual of the Week - Bubble Chart